Jackson Fish Market
Posted on April 9, 2008 by hillel on Branded Software, Industry

Digital Brand Experience Creators Popping up Everywhere

Back in November of 2006 when we founded Jackson Fish Market we felt like a lonely voice talking about creating experiences online that functioned both as useful destinations as well as opportunities for brand marketers to connect with audiences. Here we are almost a year-and-a-half later and we’ve happened upon two companies telling the same story.

We already mentioned The Barbarian Group whose CEO Ben Palmer was talking about “branded utilities” back in October of 2006.

And yesterday I happened upon Substance. Their website is lovely (we’re fans of Mrs. Eaves as well) and they’ve been talking about creating “digital brand experiences” since they were founded back in August of 2006.

I think the evidence is clear that the late summer/fall of 2006 must be the time when the first seeds were planted around branded experiences online. ;)

Ostensibly, both these groups could be considered competitors for us. In truth, we’re thrilled that they’re focused on the same area as us. (Not to speak for the other folks, but) there are way more brands that desperately need this expertise than three companies could handle. From our perspective, right now the most important thing necessary is education of brand marketers on the value of creating branded experiences online that actually do something.

I have a theory that part of the problem is that none of us refer to what we do using the same terms. I think we need a consistent term. I think it has to convey that the end result is branded, is an end user “experience, and actually does something. Here’s a sampling:

  • “digital brand experiences” — Substance’s term
  • “branded utilities” — Barbarian Group’s term
  • “branded software experiences” — Jackson Fish market’s term
  • and some other terms I’ve heard or experimented with…
  • “useful advertising”
  • “branded online destinations

Each is term is trying to convey this unique combination of characteristics in a way marketers will understand. We used the term “software” to show that the experiences actually did something and weren’t strictly “content”. But that term might be confusing. “Useful” or “destination” might be better terms.

What do you think? What’s the best term to use? Got a new suggestion? Do you know of yet another company also focused on this space? Let us know in the comments.

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