Jackson Fish Market
Posted on December 30, 2006 by hillel on Advertising

Where’s My Free* LCD Projector?

While in Vegas I would say at least 25% of the cabs had ads for a “Free 1080P LCD Projector*” on their trunk-mounted mini-billboards. Now, I know that “*” represents a catch that makes it quite less than free. But given that we’re starting a new business on a small budget you never know how […]

Posted on December 28, 2006 by hillel on Advertising

Missed Opportunity

Just got back from 24 hours in Vegas (hence the lack of posting). The folks at America West airlines (which I almost never fly – the airline, not the folks) have decided to rent out the surfaces of their tray tables to advertisers. At first I was taken aback as I’d never seen it, but […]

Posted on December 19, 2006 by hillel on Advertising

Is this really the best they could come up with?

As we said in one of our inaugural posts: Transparency is essential. Don’t hide sponsorship relationships. Be honest. Nothing undermines your credibility more than sneaking advertising into consumer experiences. (I know this is last week’s news but) Sony and one of their agencies put up a fake blog (it was here but it’s gone now) […]

Posted on December 1, 2006 by hillel on Advertising

“Brand Universes”

From the folks at MarketingVOX: “In the coming months, Yahoo will begin rolling out the first set of what it calls ‘brand universes’ – dedicated areas on Yahoo for fans of a movie or product to congregate, share and connect with each other, reports Adweek. Unlike the brand areas on MySpace and YouTube, Yahoo is […]