Jackson Fish Market
Posted on September 17, 2008 by jenny on Behind the Scenes, Carbon Grove, Design

Carbon Grove Mood Board

In keeping with this week’s mood board theme at Jackson Fish, I’d love to share with you the inspiration for Carbon Grove. If you haven’t been to Carbon Grove yet, it’s a site that let’s you sign up for reminders for small things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. Users get weekly e-mail reminders that include a link to a virtual tree they planted. Each time they visit their tree, they can watch it grow. Sometimes, little indigenous creatures appear next to the tree :).

To start the process of designing Carbon Grove, there were many elements to think about. What do the trees, animals, and forest look like? How do you transition between the quiz to the forest picker and tree picker? What’s the forest browsing experience like? And many mood boards later, we arrived at a concept we liked. This idea where you are in an old Victorian museum. There is fancy Victorian wallpaper, cast iron and brass signage. As you walk alongside the walls of this place, you can see vintage travel posters and ultimately, a magical watercolor painting of a forest!

Top Row: Dover Publications Victorian art motifs, watercolor painting, screenshot from Okami video game, victorian frame detail. Second row: more vintage wall decor, Dover motif, old book on botanical specimens. Bottom row: cool home library with beautiful wainscoting, vintage fruit crate labels, and vintage travel posters.

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    Joe Fletcher

    September 28, 2008 at 11:30 pm

    These are great to see. They really show the direct correlation between the inspiration and the final product. I just sent all of the links out to our team to share and promote the idea of Mood Boards!

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