Jackson Fish Market
Posted on October 8, 2012 by hillel on About, Behind the Scenes, Industry

Approve R74

Here at Jackson Fish Market we’re thrilled to have fans, supporters, customers, and friends of every stripe. We believe that there are many more opportunities for us to agree than to disagree. For example, we’re all fans of making beautiful websites, and gorgeous intuitive mobile apps. And since we like to focus on our shared passions, we tend not to use our business as a platform for our political agendas. There are plenty of other venues where we can get into some good juicy political debates.

In a few short weeks, Washington state will be voting on whether to uphold same-sex-marriage in our state. And while this issue is being decided via our political system, for us, it’s not a political issue at all. It’s an issue of basic human rights. When our friends and loved ones can’t exercise one of the most basic human rights — to love who they want, make a commitment to that person, and have that partnership recognized by society the same as any other — we feel that any good we do as a small business is somehow tainted. We respect everyone’s right to their social values as well as religious (or non-religious) freedoms. Our business can only be it’s best in an environment where everyone has those freedoms.

To that end, we’ve committed to Washington United For Marriage that we will match up to $10,000 in donations exclusively from business supporters. They are working hard to make sure that Washington state is an environment in which innovators and entrepreneurs of every sexual orientation can be full members of society enjoying all the benefits and rights that they deserve. If you know of a small business that shares this perspective, please let them know, as this is the moment we need to step forward and make equal rights in our state a reality.

At Jackson Fish Market we have been very fortunate to create a successful small business in Washington State, here in the United States of America. We built our small business, but we didn’t do it alone. We did it as part of a society that embraces everyone, and gives us the freedoms to pursue our own happiness. We’re thrilled to do our small part to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to pursue their happiness.

Thanks for letting us share.

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