Jackson Fish Market
Posted on November 6, 2007 by hillel on Advertising, Branded Software

ad:tech New York

This morning I’m at ad:tech in NYC. I really have no idea what to expect as already it’s become clear that most of the people in the ad world don’t recognize software as a medium for what they do. Don’t get me wrong, they love technology and the internet. But as far as I can tell, they look at it as basically a variation of magazines and television. There’s content, and there are ads to place around, on, and in-between that content. The content is typically video or text. The one crack in the armor is their understanding of games as content. Games being software too this makes me believe that eventually the broader software category will be seen as content ready for advertising as well.

We shall see. The keynote is in 25 minutes. (Feel free to get in touch if you’re here too.)


  • At least they appear to have wifi at this conference unlike the last ad conference I attended. But power? Not so much.
  • Names on badges are way too small. Companies are even smaller. Isn’t the point of this event to network? How can you tell who anyone is? Also half the people walk around with their badges flipped around accidentally. They should put your name and company (in big type) on both sides of your badge.

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