Winter Break at JFM
It’s been a busy month here at Jackson Fish Market, and now it’s time to pursue some other interests. JFM is officially “on break”. Luckily through the magic of technology, all of our websites will continue to function. :) And if they don’t, alarms will be raised, fighter jets will scramble, people will be woken up at ungodly hours, and typing will ensue until everything is back as it should be.
We hope everyone has a great set of Winter holidays and hopefully gets some time off as well. As much as we love working at Jackson Fish Market we each love doing all sorts of other things too so extended time off is key. If you need to get in touch with us though, don’t worry, we’re all still on mail. BECAUSE WE’RE HUGE NERDS (yes Jenny… you too!).
Jackson Fish Market will reopen for business bright and early on Monday, January 5, 2009. Have a lovely rest of 2008.