Jackson Fish Market
Posted on January 30, 2007 by hillel on Advertising

TV Spots on the Web

Creating and running television ads is expensive. Making them available on your website is (by comparison) not. Then why do so many companies not bother to post their ads on their site? You can even get YouTube to host them for free.

The other night I saw the following ad:

I found it laugh-out-loud funny. And frankly I hope someday to emulate the dad in the ad. The moment I saw the ad I went to the T-Mobile site to see it. No luck. You tube? Yep. This is such an obvious opportunity. Here I am asking T-Mobile to let me watch their ads without them having to pay a TV network. Isn’t that pretty much the dream? I have no idea why companies don’t make their ads available more often.

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    January 31, 2007 at 6:34 pm

    OI totally agree. there was a series of ‘eggo’ waffles ads a few years back that had me laughing so hard I cried. When I contacted the company they jus kinda shrugged and didn’t really know what to do with my request. I have often found that bizarre.

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