Jackson Fish Market
Posted on November 14, 2011 by hillel on User Experience

The Power of “I don’t know.”

So many times, when designing a software user interface, it’s helpful to ask yourself if you would enjoy interacting with a human being who talked to you the way the software did. If the answer is “no” then you have more work to do. Inevitably, this exercise gets turned on its head when user experience […]

Posted on April 7, 2011 by hillel on Industry, User Experience

Does HTML5 mean the end of the native app? (In other news… Phillips head screwdrivers will kill flat head screwdrivers!)

I just happened upon an article by Matt Marshall on Venture Beat: “How HTML5 will kill the native app.” Ugh. This article reads like an HTML5 marketing document. There’s good reason to be excited about HTML5. But I believe there are a couple of key things missing from this discussion: 1. The value of cross-platform […]