Jackson Fish Market
Posted on October 24, 2008 by hillel on Companies We Admire

Annual Report

Stardock is an interesting company. I had always known them as a publisher of tools for customizing and skinning the Windows UX. But they also have a software distribution tool and they’re publishing some very well-received games as well. They’re a private company and as such have no requirement to “report” much of anything. However, they decided to go ahead and issue their “2008 Customer Report” (PDF). As they put it:

“Stardock is a privately held corporation. It does not release its financials to the general public but the company has thrived by being very transparent to its customers. The objective of this report is to let people know what the company is currently doing and what it is planning to do next.”

Neat. I can see us doing something similar down the road.

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